We love our clients and your pets but in order to serve you better, we will be discontinuing our after-hours emergency services effective immediately. This will provide better care for our daytime patients and allow our staff to have much appreciated uninterrupted family time after our regular hours. Thank you so much for your support and understanding!
If you need to seek emergency services you may contact the clinics listed below:
Kansas State University at 785-532-5690 – 1800 Denison Ave. Manhattan, KS. You will need to call in advance.
Veterinary Emergency & Specialty at 316-262-5321 – 5618 W. 21st Street, Wichita, KS You will need to call in advance.
Urgent Pet Care at 316-440-5900 – 11110 East 26th Street North – Suite 600, Wichita, KS This is a walk-in-only clinic, no appointments. They are closed on Wednesdays. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6pm-11pm; Saturday and Sunday 2pm-8pm. They are closed on all major holidays.
Symptoms that may signal that your pet is having a health emergency:
*Labored or stopped breathing
*Acute abdominal swelling
*Large cuts or wounds that are excessively bleeding or have visible bone
*Sudden passing out, collapse, or difficulty to get back up.
*Failure to respond or rouse when called or moved
*A bite from a wild animal or another pet whose vaccination history is unknown to you
*Paralysis of the back legs (especially in cats)
*Symptoms of heatstroke
*Symptoms of anaphylactic shock; swelling hives or excessive salivation
*Excessive vomiting or diarrhea
*High or low temperature (more than 104 or less than 100 degrees)
If your pet is suffering from any of the above symptoms or is displaying other severe signs of illness please contact an emergency veterinary hospital immediately.
We strive hard to provide the best care for our patients and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.